
My figures are not flawless. That was never my aim. Rather, they should convey emotions, wishes, hopes, memories and fears. And everything you see in them yourself. Life also leaves traces that make them authentic and endearing. The rust, the colouring convey warmth and closeness, can symbolize the transience and at the same time the eternity of what is held on to.

I give thoughts to many of the figures, and possibly give you some wind under your wings for your interpretation.

I hope you enjoy my figures!

First of all, I would like to introduce a figure with a special meaning for me.



Do you know the books The Black Dog by Matthew Johnstone? These books depict the oppressive subject of depression in comic style. Very impressive.

The Black Dog inspired me to work it into some of the characters. It symbolizes what paralyzes us, what we carry around with us all our lives, what makes it difficult for us to progress, to develop, which is a huge feat of strength to overcome and which ultimately stands in the way of our happiness.

Winter as a time that drains us of substance, with its coldness and hostility to life, was therefore the eponym for this category of figures.



What would spring be with the first warm rays of sunshine and the first fresh green without the dreary winter before? Certainly only half as beautiful and not so eagerly awaited! 

After the winter figures as a heavy main course, the light dessert in the form of the summer figures follows. Think of it as a nightcap that takes away the feeling of fullness.


further FIGURES

In this section there are figures that I don't want to assign to the figures of winter or summer.