During the wire wrapping, I wondered if the headstand figure would even stay on your hands. Nevertheless, I kept going, despite possible failure, I continued to invest a lot of my time.
TIME, the most precious thing in life! The older you are as a reader of these lines, the greater your approval will be. D'accord?
Back to the topic. In a figurative sense, this can mean that it is not good to give too much space to open questions in advance. It's not good to question, analyze, dissect everything, not to start or continue because of the assumption that it won't succeed anyway.
Try it out, with an open mind! Also, tackle new things, even those that are only vaguely first or have the won't-work-anyway-lable stuck all over them. These are the most beautiful successes that make up life and remain forever in your memory.
This Website is my headstand! Why only now? Because the threads were very resistant, but finally I was successfull. This is what ultimately matters.