Less the black dog, more a creature from the underworld that eats you up morsel by morsel in certain phases, perhaps even your entire life. It pulls you into its maw, your hands have nowhere to hold. It feels like it will never be the same again. Maybe that's how it has to be.
Excellent if you manage to see this situation as an opportunity to put an end to the OLD, to stop investing energy in the past. Because only when the OLD no longer plays a decisive role in your thoughts and actions will there be free space and energy for new thoughts, new paths and a new future.
No change is not a solution. And wanting to maintain a status quo that is ultimately destructive is certainly not. But: everything in life has its price, regardless of whether you decide for or against change. Incidentally, your gut feeling is a very good, well-known but often ignored and underestimated guide.
The question arises as to why it sometimes takes so much effort or is almost impossible to swap even an unbearable status quo for change. Why are we so reluctant to leave familiar territory, even if it is littered with landmines?