Sumo I, II, III and iv
But you have crossed a line!
A phrase that each of us surely says out loud from time to time or, this will be the case more often, thinks quietly. What happened? An intruder has entered the lush green shire of your feelings without being asked, the wonderland where not Alice lives, but yourself. At extremes, the result is a sense of Mordor, ashes, and devastation as far as the eye can see.
Mainly there is talk of „a“ border. Am I mistaken? Why so delightfully vague? Why is it not formulated as it is perceived?
But you have crossed MY line!
It is the lack of courage to confront. This unconspicuous, vague little word ONE represents the pale pink "Wasn't-so-meant-ribbon" around the half-heartedly presented and actually nipped in the bud defense attempt. Well done, we fought back! Nice thought, but unfortunately only a self-soothing.
Going into confrontation with fellow human beings, whether familiar or stranger, is associated with great obstacles for many people and must first be learned. Without this lesson, however, self-esteem suffers, and this may be the beginning of what is to come.
It is necessary to maintain control over his shire, his wonderland without Alice, and to determine who and when is received. It is necessary to defend these borders, the borders that each of us can name exactly.
But, please do it with restraint! The model is the Sumotori. Act according to rules, civilized, with fairness, respect and humanity! Then you can see with whom you would like to share your lands and with whom you do not.
height of figure: 20 cm
Is there actually an excess of SUMO? An unhealthy dose for you and your environment?
height of figure: 23 cm
height of figure: 23 cm
I love the SUMO'S. They are so defensive . . .